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How to make a request

Accessing learning resources via the Learnerbly app.

Galina Grkovikj avatar
Written by Galina Grkovikj
Updated over 8 months ago

Each piece of learning content that you see on the platform is what we call a learning resource. It's a representation of an external piece of learning content hosted or provided by somebody else.

For physical books 📚

Physical books have multiple options for you to choose from, it can be a Hardcover or Paperback version.

You can request a resource by clicking on the ‘Request’ button above the resource image.

Select the option you would like, and click "Choose this Option"

Please provide as much information as required in order for us to process this request for you. This could include:

  • Type of book

  • Complete address

  • Contact number

By default, all delivery addresses are set to the address you were registered when your account was created. If you are working from home or would like a physical recourse sent elsewhere, you'll also have the option to update the delivery address here:

You can also save your previous address for your next request and make it the default shipping address by clicking on the toggle below:

For digital resources ✉️

Digital resources can be online courses, eBooks, subscriptions or memberships, and webinar events. The option depends on the duration, type of account, and event dates.

You can request a digital resource by clicking on the ‘Request’ button above the resource image.

This is an example of a digital resource with a selection of duration of subscription and type of account in the image below:

Note: Please read carefully the description you'd like to request before proceeding as it might contain important information for your request.

💡 Auto-approval: "auto-approval" means your organization has set a threshold amount where approval by your manager isn’t needed. If this is the case, you’ll see an ‘Auto-Approved’ badge (shown below). This means if you request this resource it will go directly to our fulfilment team for immediate purchase.

Note: We highly recommend keeping an eye on your requests, especially on your pending approval requests by your manager approver, just to avoid delays and getting caught on your budget expiration.

If you are submitting your request to a manager for approval, you'll also have the chance to share any information with them here.

All requests you make via the platform will be shared via your company's homepage (as well as a shared Slack channel if set up) so that other users at your company can see the great learning you're doing! If you would like this to remain between you and your manager, please toggle this switch off:

Once your request has been approved, it will be sent through our system to complete the purchase.

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