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Get to know Virtual Cards

Resource not currently on Learnerbly? Purchase it with a Virtual Card 💳

Galina Grkovikj avatar
Written by Galina Grkovikj
Updated over 9 months ago

Resource not currently on Learnerbly?
Purchase it with a Virtual Card 💳

The Learnerbly Marketplace has over 10,000 resources and we're adding more each week, but we know our users have a wide range of learning needs and we might not have exactly what you're looking for.

Virtual Cards allows you to request a single-use virtual debit card which you can use to purchase a learning resource not currently available on Learnerbly. Whether that's an online course, or a book from your local bookshop, you can use your unique card to purchase resources where it suits you.

The Virtual Card is currently available to Learners with personal learning budgets in £GBP

Virtual Cards are only available for companies that have contracted Enterprise packages and for companies headquartered in the UK.

Key Features

👉 Find the right resources for learning your goals

Maximize your learning budget with the new Virtual Cards request flow. Make progress with your learning goals and get access to resources for your learning goals that aren’t currently on Learnerbly.

👉 Get a one-off virtual card loaded with funds

Make a request, and once approved you’ll be given a one-off personal debit card to purchase it yourself. Keep all your learning requests and their status in one place.

👉 Use anywhere debit cards are accepted

Virtual Cards are powered by Stripe, so you can use your card to purchase yourself anywhere that Visa debit cards are accepted. Whether that’s your local book shop, conference or a course.

👉 Buy resources in your local currency

Your learning budget may be in £GBP, but your resources don’t have to be. Whether you want an online course in US Dollars or a conference in Bulgarian lev; we’ll keep your budget up to date and accurate.

Share your experience and shape the future of Virtual Cards

We're working to improve the experience of Virtual Cards to give you the best experience. Share your experience and feedback directly with our Product Team via Intercom 💬 or the button below 👇 .

💬 As a Portuguese employee, I love the new virtual cards as they made it possible for me to buy other resources, particularly physical books!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

This feature allows you to get Learnerbly’s virtual card loaded with funds from your learning budget which you can use to purchase a learning resource that is not currently available on Learnerbly.

Once your request has been approved by your manager, you’ll be able to generate unique card details for your request. You can use this virtual card to pay anywhere that Visa debit cards are accepted.

What currency can I purchase in?

Even though your personal learning budget is in £GBP, you can make a purchase in any currency anywhere that accepts debit cards. If you’re purchasing a resource with a different currency, we recommend doing a quick currency conversion to make sure you’re requesting enough funds. Don’t forget to add any delivery or taxes.

What happens if the amount on the Virtual Card doesn’t cover the cost of the learning resource?

The amount on a Virtual Card will be limited to the amount you requested, so if your learning resource is more than what’s loaded on the Virtual Card, you’ll need to cancel and make a new request. We recommend you look at any additional taxes or delivery fees before making your request.

What if I’ve changed my mind and want to purchase something else using the Virtual Card?

We want to make sure the request matches the transaction on the card, so if you’ve changed your mind and want to purchase something else, please cancel the existing request and make a new request.

What happens if there’s money left over from using the Virtual Card?

Any unspent money will be returned to your learning budget after the transaction is completed.

Can I purchase multiple resources using the Virtual Card?

No, you can only make one transaction per card, so if you’d like to request multiple learning resources please request each resource individually.

Can I request a subscription?

We don’t currently support recurring payments as each virtual card is a one-time-only use. However, you can try requesting an annual or longer-term plan as long as the card is charged at the time of purchasing the subscription. Once the subscription needs renewal, you’ll need to re-request it.

Does a virtual card expire?

Virtual cards have expiration like regular debit cards, but it's not advisable to retain them. Keep in mind that your learning budget has a validity period. If there are any transaction issues requiring a refund and your learning budget has expired, the refunded amount will be credited back to your previous budget, which is already inactive, making it unusable.

Should I keep my receipt?

Yes. Please make sure you keep any receipts associated with virtual card requests for your company’s records.

How do I cancel my request?

Contact us via Intercom to cancel your request. You can read more on our guide here.

My payment was declined, what do I do?

Firstly make sure you've used the correct payment details from the virtual card information. With auto-complete, it's easy to use your personal information.

Some examples of why a card might be declined are;

  • Incorrect expiry date, card number or CSV.

  • Wrong cardholder name.

  • Incorrect billing address.

  • The payment is more than the spending limit on your card.

  • Your organization's virtual card account is low in funds resulting payment decline.

  • There's a glitch in the checkout system.

  • The payment process differs from a debit transaction, such as wire transfers, for instance.

  • The card is being rejected due to the merchant's payment security system.

If you encounter difficulty purchasing your resource with a virtual card, please reach out to us via Intercom, and we'll look into this for you.

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