In the event that you decide a resource is not the right fit for you, please reach out within 14 days of receiving your content. Please contact our Support Team so that we can refund your order.
How to request a refund?
If you would like to request a refund, please contact us by completing a refund request form on our Messenger.
Or just simply click on the link below, this will take you to our Messenger (bottom right of the page) where you can submit a refund ticket.
Important: Please make sure to add the request ID, the name of the resource & the reason for the refund, this will help our team to review your refund ticket.
You will receive confirmation in Messenger and via email that your request has been assigned to the appropriate team to action, and you can track progress and follow up via email or asynchronous messaging
Our team will review your refund request once received.
Please note: Refunds are not automatic, if you'd like to request a refund please get in touch with us on our Intercom Messenger.